
They Were Right--There Was Blood

I'm still in Chicago and today Kelly and I went downtown for some shopping and a movie. We decided to see There Will Be Blood because we've heard so much award hype about it, especially Daniel Day Lewis' performance.

And just let me say, the DDL hype is not unwarranted. At least the first 5 minutes were just shots of him with no dialogue at all, but when he did finally talk, it had that much more impact. It's not too often that you can't decide if the main character is a good-guy or bad-guy, but that's definitely the case during the majority of this 2 hours and 38 minutes of drama (with a few chuckles thrown in for good measure).

Of course, by the end, when there is, in fact, blood... well then it's pretty easy to figure out.

Daniel Day Lewis definitely deserves some awards for this performance--I counted only three scenes (and two were super short) that he wasn't in and those scenes just weren't the same without his powerful presence.

Not an uplifting movie, but more enjoyable than No Country For Old Men. ****

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