
The Return of Quickie Movie Reviews

Even though I may not have been blogging a lot lately, but I definitely have not been slacking in the movie-going department. Here are three quickie reviews from recent weekends:

The Duchess
Gorgeous costumes, gorgeous scenery, gorgeous sets, gorgeous Keira Knightley. Not so great? The way men treated women back then. We may not be equal yet, but my God at least we've made a few advances. It may have yet-another-Keira-Knightley-period-film, but at least it was well done! ****

Josh Brolin's Bush chuckle was spot on. Dick Cheney looked like a total D-Bag. Elizabeth Banks' Laura Bush never aged a day. Condoleezza Rice managed to annoy me more than ever before. But it was actually quite interesting. It definitely wasn't the Bush bash I expected from Oliver Stone... at least until the last 10 minutes. Unfortunately it may have been the most entertaining 10 minutes of the film. ***

Pride and Glory
Could've just been another good cop-bad cop movie but this movie was a little more complex than its police drama counterparts. Several big twists kept my interest for the entire 2+ hours--although I'm sure super talented Edward Norton helped, too. And who would've guessed? Colin Farrell was great as a cussing, corrupt cop. ****

I know what you're thinking: only three? Don't worry, three (plus) more reviews to come in the near future...

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