
I am The Batman

It took me until Sunday night, but I finally saw The Dark Knight this weekend.

Really, there's not much to say other than WOW.

It was an excellent movie--great storyline, great action, great visuals, great stunts, great cast.

As everyone and their brother has reported, Heath Ledger was pretty darn amazing as The Joker. I may have nightmares about that makeup tonight.

And OH. MY. GOD. Christian Bale is SO ATTRACTIVE. We're talking beautiful, gorgeous, flawless in those super expensive suits and hot cars. Siiiiigh.

If you haven't seen it yet (although I'm thinking with what they are predicting to be record-setting box office sales, everyone must have already seen it), run and do so NOW. I guarantee it's playing about every 45 seconds at your local theater.

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