
Quickie Review: Hancock

Today I went to see Hancock on the spur of the moment with my dad. We were by the theater and didn't have anything else to do, so we wandered over to see what was playing around 1pm. I've never done that before I don't think--funny. Lucky for us, Hancock was starting right when we arrived.

Background: When I first heard Will Smith as as superhero, I was pretty much like "pass." Then I saw a whole trailer and realized it was Will Smith as a drunk, not-so-perfect superhero and I decided I might want to see it after all. It opened to not-so-perfect reviews, but I was still interested--despite those reviews it was #1 at the box office for 4th of July weekend.

And you know what? It was a fun movie! Lots of cool special effects, Will Smith was pretty good in it, I can't get enough Jason Bateman, and there was even a surprise twist that I totally didn't see coming and wasn't spoiled by any trailers! No, it wasn't deep or meaningful but it was fun and sometimes you just need to watch a fun movie, especially during the summer. ****

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