
Summer TV Update

There is not much on TV lately, it being summer and all. I've been surviving by watching The Sopranos on Netflix, catching up on Lost Season 4 on abc.com and catching a few summer shows.

Two of those shows are America's Got Talent and Baby Borrowers. I know, I know. I can't believe I'm watching NBC again for something other than The Office, but here I am.

America's Got Talent is actually very enjoyable when they have little kid acts and/or people who have super sad sob stories and amazing talents. The people who suck are not so enjoyable--this is why I DVR this show and fast forward through the boring stuff. I'm looking forward to the contestants being whittled down to the actually talented finalists. And David Hasselhoff is crazy!

Baby Borrowers started off AWESOME. I was totally sucked in by the premise of the show--crazy teenagers who think they're ready to have kids ASAP are put in "real life situations" (i.e. a nanny in the house and parents watching at all times via camera) where they get to care for babies, then toddlers, then preteens, then teens, then--get this--the elderly! Wow. The first episode was hysterical and unbelievable. Last week was pretty good with the conclusion of the babies but this week was not as good with toddlers. Obviously the couple with the older kid is going to do better--he's potty-trained and beyond the terrible twos. Everyone else did not deal well with bodily fluids... gross. I don't know why I like this show so much, but I do.

I must be pretty desperate for TV to enjoy shows like this! Is it fall yet?

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