
POST 300: 3 Fun Things

1. Weeds
This week's episode was pretty great, actually. Back to the old quick-witted humor, bizarre antics and hysterical family interactions. I thought Celia returning was going to be stupid, but she totally fits into the motley Botwin crew. I love that Nancy has to work retail at an outlet mall on the border and that she finally apologized to and/or thanked everyone in her family--AND that she actually admitted she was a terrible drug dealer. I hope this seasons continues to get better and better!

2. Wanted
I went to see this movie with my sister and her friend over the weekend--mainly because I had already seen every other movie I was remotely interested in seeing and because Wanted featured Chicago. I was in Chicago, so it made sense even though honestly I had no idea what the movie was about. Turns out, it was super violent, pretty insane plot-wise, kinda goofy at times... but also very entertaining and full of fantastic special effects. Things I didn't like: The stupid train wreck part and Morgan Freeman dropping an F bomb not once but twice! That is Samuel L Jackson crap. Things I loved: James McEvoy dripping wet and the part where he flipped his car over a gangster guy's limo and shot him through the sunroof.

3. Swapping Lives by Jane Green
So I thought I was way beyond chick lit but I am having fun reading this book! It was a little hard to start but now I am hooked and it is very cute. Jane Green is a great story teller and really makes you like and identify with her characters. Nothing intellectual or ground-breaking here but a fun "beach read" amidst all of the education stuff I'm reading right now.


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