
TV Catch Up

I was at yearbook camp this week, so I missed a bunch of shows. Thanks to my beloved DVR, I'm catching up tonight as I unwind and relax after camp.

Here's what I've been watching:

1. Project Runway, episode 2
I actually liked the first episode better than this one--but there were definitely some great twists that made it an exciting challenge. The green thing was kind of downplayed which was weird to me, but I loved that the dumb models went shopping and--hello!--Natalie Portman as the surprise guests judge? So perfect! She is totally adorable and I want to be her friend. Ha. I liked Suede's winning dress (but NOT Suede's third person rants) and I loved Blayne's mockery of Stella's leather obsession. "My husband is leather..." Hilarious. I'm just not convinced this cast is all that talented.

2. Baby Borrowers, teen invasion episode
OMG Daton left! He was totally stupid anyway, running off to the skate park and leaving Morgan to do the work. Not that she is a complete prize, but he is crap. The teens weren't nearly as crazy as the teaser and commercials made it look like they would be, and the parents handled them fairly well. I just felt horrible for the kids whose real-life parents were going through divorces having to sit through a teenage break-up and fighting. Ugh. Next week--the elderly!

3. Mad Men (multiple episodes)
I taped all 13 episodes from last Sunday's season one marathon and am making my way through them before Sunday's season two premiere. This show is just as good as the critics say--I love it. The costumes and settings are a-may-zing and I love the music they throw in, too... everything seems super authentic. Plus I love all the tongue-in-cheek remarks and the whole advertising premise. If you haven't yet, go watch this show! I still have five more episodes to watch this weekend!

Still to catch up on: America's Got Talent and the season premiere of How to Look Good Naked with Carson Kressley.

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