
Quickie Review: WALL-E

Warning: If you want to read a really good review, head over to Gretch-a-Sketch and read hers. I liked it a lot. If you're okay with mediocre, proceed...

I loved this WALL-E! How can I love a movie where there was no real dialogue (other than [adorable!] bzzzzing and bleeping) until nearly halfway through the show? How can I love little animated robots and find them totally endearing and cheer for their love story? How can I hear laughter from the kids behind me yet receive quite a number of political messages all in the same show?

It's the magic of Pixar, I tell you. This is a movie that kids and adults can both enjoy and really benefit from--it makes you think for sure! Messages sent: 1) Protect the environment--wow. 2) Don't let technology get out of control or the robots will take over! 3) Maintain real personal communication [not fake, virtual communication] and 4) Get active and get out of the recliner!

That's a lot from a little Disney show. I really enjoyed it and everyone needs to see it to understand all the very important messages it sends. *****

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