
Flashback via TBS

Two times today I randomly turned on TBS and gasped with delight.

The first time, it was Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. I used to watch this movie once a week. Watching it now, I'm not quite sure why, but I loved it. I had the entire thing memorized. Turns out--I still do.

Thinking nothing could top that, I surfed channels later in the day and landed on TBS yet again. I could barely contain myself--it was Dumb and Dumber. Apparently they were having a Jim-Carrey's-early-career-goofy-movies-I-was-once-obsessed-with marathon. I might have loved Ace Ventura, but I LOOOOOVED Dumb and Dumber. I could recite the entire movie right here, right now if you wanted me to. But I'm sure you don't, so I won't. Believe me, though, I totally could. And sing all the music in the background. And let you know that the soundtrack to this movie was one of the first CDs I ever bought. But I won't gush any more.

Let's just say even though I only watched about 30 minutes of TV today, it totally made my day. Thank you, TBS, for that flashback to my elementary/middle school days of Ace Ventura, Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunn. Good Lord my life is pretty sad when crappy movies on TV make my day!


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock said...

TBS totally takes me back to my teens and all their great tv shows and movies they air. i love it!

Anonymous said...

I love the Ace Ventura movies. I'll never completely understand why :) I'm okay with that.