
And The Winner is David...?


I totally TOTALLY thought David Archuleta was gonna take the title, even though I so wanted David Cook to win.

Apparently so did like 50 million other people. Literally. Here's BuzzSugar's recap of the night.

Congrats David Cook! And how funny was the way Ryan Seacrest announced the winner? Talk about suspense... down to the last name:

I just hope being American Idol doesn't slow his career down and they don't force him to put out a cookie cutter poppy album. Leave that to Archuleta.

UPDATE: Kansas City is ridiculously pumped to have the American Idol! His face and congratulations are all over the electronic billboards and every other radio promo is about him. My mom bought tickets to go see the Idol Tour--that is going to be one crazy concert with all the KC fans in the Sprint Center!

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