
Random 5

1. My mom is way into The Office lately. Hilarious. She was cracking up watching reruns last night on TBS and now she actually requested to watch a few episodes on DVD tonight. I'm glad she finally appreciates this show! We'll have to watch this season (at least the season finale, which was hysterical) on NBC.com.

2. I'm almost through with Such a Pretty Fat by Jen Lancaster. A rave review will follow my completion. The great thing about subbing is using plan period to read! Too bad I can't do that next year. I'll have to actually... plan. Right.

3. Somehow I got hooked on Keeping Up With the Kardashians. I blame E! marathons and a Memorial Day with nothing else on TV. First it was just mildly ridiculous. Then I kinda sorta started to get into it. Now I find myself scouring the program guide looking for the next time it's on (not until Saturday--ah!). Sad but true. Especially since the entire family has the same voice. Weirds me out but I can't stop watching.

4. This Chicago Tribune article about censorship in high schools is super disturbing, especially since I am just beginning my career as a yearbook/newspaper adviser and my students keep telling me how they want to go "deeper" with their stories next year. Let's hope I can keep my job!

5. Yeah, I said I probably would and I am. I'm watching the second audition night for So You Think You Can Dance. The summer hasn't even begun and I'm already desperate for something to watch on TV. Yikes.

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