
Primary Results Not So Hot for Hil

Is it the end for Hillary Clinton? God, I hope not.

Last night, she took the Indiana primary... but only by this much. Barack Obama won a landslide victory in North Carolina. Most people were saying Hillary needed two victories last night.

This morning on the Today Show, Tim Russert was shooting his mouth off, repeating his statement from last night and saying that every objective Democrat believes that Barack Obama has now won the nomination and that there is no way Hillary can come back.

CNN Analysis

Is this true? Could it really be the end for Hillary Clinton? Sad day.

1 comment:

Jill said...

wait, wait didnt you hear on the today show. he talked to meredith this week, i think it was like tim mcculloch or something like that. HE for one actually seemed to know something. HE said, no one has EVER been asked/forced by public opinion to drop out of a race before, all the pundits need to shut up and let them run until someone wins. I was practically yelling AMEN! at the tv.

i think they're giving her crap because she's a woman. not exclusively mind you, but she's been second guessed since the very beginning and you can't tell me that she's won almost exactly the same number as Obama and that she doesnt deserve to stay until the end? whatever dudes, they're just all jealous and stuff!