
So You Think You Can Dance Audition Night 1

I've never watched So You Think You Can Dance (apart from snippets of reruns on MTV) but after watching a little bit of Dateline, being bored by the Bachelorette and already watching several home shows earlier tonight, I determined there was absolutely nothing on TV except this and figured why not try it out?

Overall, it wasn't anything too exciting. There was a cute Asian couple who really danced well, a soon-to-be-Sorority-girl who bounced around and apparently brought "joy" to the room and one creepy guy who did a sort of robot act the judges couldn't get enough of. I felt like I was watching a street performer. Which, incidentally, he is!

Now, granted, I really have no room to talk because I couldn't dance my way out of a paper bag, but still!

Here's a clip of the creepy guy. I'd say I won't watch the show again, but now that most of my shows have concluded for the summer, I may not have a choice.

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