
She's Baaaaaaaaack!

Okay Dr. Addison Montgomery might not be BACK-back but she was totally back on Grey's Anatomy last night. This was the best episode I have seen this season, hands down. I love that they used Addison's return to poke fun at the craziness that has happened this season--divorces, affairs, break-ups, Dr. Hahn totally shutting out Christina, etc.

All those Seattle Grace wusses totally needed Addison to come back and kick 'em into gear with a major reality check.

BUT this episode made me pretty sad since, after all, Addison isn't back. She's on another marginally okay show with a hot receptionist and the always lovely Taye Diggs. In LA. Whatever.

As TVSquad so cleverly pointed out, this return wouldn't have happened at all if it hadn't been for the Writer's Strike... at least one good thing came from it! I loved her response to both Callie and Hahn's weird friendship (although Callie's response to that response was totally lame) and Meredith and Derek's break up (do we see a reconciliation in the near future?).

Great episode. If things can continue like this, I may just become a huge fan of this show again. Either way, it's not like I'll stop watching it. I'm just ridiculous like that.

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