
Just Call me Waterworks

Today was my last day in Des Moines and at Drake ever.

It was also my last day with my friends for a very long time, at least for one of them.

I have cried my eyes out over the past week and today wasn't any different.

I'm home now in KC for good and I am pumped for my new place and my new job and everything but man, today is a sad, sad day. I am going to miss my friends so very much.

Today was an adventure fitting with the past two years: we head out to lunch and get in a fender bender, chatting with a crazy sales guy in the rain for an hour while our stomachs growl. I put off saying good-bye to people as long as I could and then I lost it.

These tears have to dry up soon, right?

This song isn't helping matters. It's beautiful and I love Regina Spektor but it reminds me of my friends and the words are saaaaaaaaaaad:

1 comment:

Jill said...

7 years later, i still keep up with my friends via email. we get together when we can. now 2 have kids, 2 are pregnant, so its tougher to get together, but that will balance out in a few years when the kiddos are school age. basically just keep in touch with REAL email and you'll be fine. you'd be surprised how much you learn about people that you didnt know before.