
This Show is BACK!

I saw this on Give Me My Remote and couldn't put it better myself:

Dear Grey's Anatomy,

Thank you. I’m whole and healthy and I’m going to try to trust you. I don’t know if I can, but I’m going to try. I’m not sure if I have a room where our kids can play but after what you’ve showed in these post-strike episodes, there’s definitely room on my TiVo for you. It’s episodes like that when I feel lucky that I’m a chick, and therefore have no issues with all the crying, and the giddy feelings I had with all the kissing. You righted some wrongs. We all went through some therapy. Stick with it next season - it’s not easy but you kept one patient alive. Don’t screw up again.


I just got done watching the two-hour season finale of Grey's Anatomy (DVR'ed from last night when I was busy moving back to KC) and only two words come to mind.

One: WOW.

Two: Kissing! Good lord was there some smooching going on during this episode! But also Good Lord was it about time! Cally and Erica--whoa. Dr. Webber and his wife--sorta unnecessary. Izzy and Alex--oh nooooo! George and Lexi--uh what? And finally, Der and Mer--it's about damn time!

People seem genuinely happy on the show. And it's still good. See Grey's writers? People don't have to be miserable to get ratings. These post-strike episodes are the best I've seen in several seasons. Keep up the great work and maybe, just maybe, people will start to REALLY LOVE this show again.

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