
Hi, my name is Megan and I'm a Lurker.

God that sounds creepy.

Unfortunately, despite the creepy name, it's true. And I feel guilty about it!

I read a gazillion blogs about people's lives and kids and jobs and thoughts. Even though they're inviting me into their worlds by posting it on the Internet, I feel bad about reading it all. I know that a few weeks ago was Delurker Week or something along those lines, and I should have taken advantage of that to, well, delurk... but for some reason I didn't.

And a few awesome people have been commenting on my blog, which I really thought would never happen, so I feel like now is a good time to officially delurk.

But I don't know where to start! I feel like I am outing myself as a random creeper who reads the blogs of people I don't know and will never meet in "real life." I just gotta suck it up, take a deep breath and comment. I can't be afraid of sounding dumb. Or random. Or... yeah.


Jill said...

it's like Nike, just do it. unless you're a real pain in the arse when you do it, people love comments!

brandy said...

Dude. I know how that feels. I swear, I think I went like, 4 months without commenting on a SINGLE blog. I just felt really... self conscious. But then, I got really drunk and did it. Okay, I didn't get drunk. But still, I did do it. I find that it gets easier, especially if you just chose a few to start with and comment regularly. I don't know. That's what I did and it worked for me. Either way, if you like lurking- keep on doing it. No one says you HAVE to comment anyway, right?