
You Have GOT To Be Kidding Me

According to this post on Mamapop (and others on other blogs), effing Fred Phelps & Co. plan to picket Heath Ledger's funeral.

Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?!

Not that I didn't already think they were a bunch of bigoted crazy conservative wack-jobs, but they do realize that Brokeback Mountain was a movie, right? Fiction? Hello!

Here's the press release:How can people be so horrible?

On a totally unrelated note, I was so busy fretting about Heath Ledger's death yesterday that I didn't even notice it was my 100th post! What a sad 100th post, but I guess it had to be something. 100 doesn't seem like much, but it's a start for sure.

1 comment:

Jill said...

tell us something about yourself --- i tagged you for a meme over at the mouse house!