
Super Tuesday

One week from today is a very exciting day!

First, and probably most important, is that it is the day for like a gazillion primaries and what could be the ultimate forecast for who will win the Hillary-Barack showdown. It should be wery wery interesting (think Elmer Fudd).

Tuesday is also the release date for about 6 movies on my Netflix queue that I have been waiting for! I only get three at a time so I have until next Monday to figure out which three I want to see the most. Here's the top of my queue:

I think I am pretty happy with the order right now, although I would really like to see Across the Universe again. Buuuut I should probably watch movies I haven't seen first. The possibility that I will change this multiple times before next week? Pretty darn good.

Too bad I have my student teaching seminar class and an area meeting that day, too, but hopefully that will all be overshadowed by the superness of Super Tuesday!

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