
Journalism Going Down?

Everyone and their brother (including, weirdly enough, Perez Hilton) is reporting on the sudden down turn of the print journalism industry. Apparently layoffs are happening everywhere and nobody's making any money anymore.

It's all the buzz... in the online journalism world at least:
Time Blog
Editor and Publisher

Even the freaking New York Times is getting ready to lay off 100 people!
The Observer

Obviously with the surge of online journalism and sudden popularity of going green, print journalism would inevitably take a hit. But doesn't somebody still have to write the stuff for the Internet? I guess I don't understand--people still want news. Whether you're reading the New York Times in paper copy or headlines sent to your inbox each day, some reporter needs to be there reading it.

What does this mean for my future career? I'm getting ready to start a job teaching students to be journalists right when the industry is apparently failing. It makes me a bit nervous, but when you think about it, do that many high school journalists really pursue journalism as a career? Something to think about I guess--and even more reason to focus on convergence and inclusion of an online journalism format.

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