
Quickie Review: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

It only took me three nights to finish Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safron Foer. Kelly recommended this book to me and I definitely enjoyed it-- you can probably tell by how quickly I finished it! This was definitely an odd book... filled with random pictures, pages with only a few words on them, and changes in point of view/narrator/narration style/grammar style. It was hard to keep up at times, but by the end everything was tied together and it was easy to see where Foer had been going in the beginning when I had been like "Uh... what?" Foer's novel had very prominent and relevant themes (the main character's father died in the WTC) but it didn't beat them into you like can happen lately with films related to 9/11. Overall, very interesting and one of the most unique reads you'll find--in design format, plot structure and execution overall. ****

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