
Post 200: 2 Conclusions I've Come To

Wahoo this is my 200th post. Pretty crazy.

In celebration of this momentous occasion, I will elaborate on two conclusions I've come to today:

1. Nobody reads this blog. Which is fine. But it's true. One comment in like a month is pretty much proof positive of that fact. So my question is this: if nobody reads your blog, is there any point to writing it? It's kind of like that old inquisition "If a tree falls in the middle of forest, does anyone hear it?"or whatever that saying is. I thought about it and I do this for myself, as a creative outlet, not to impress or even entertain anyone else but me. BUT what's the point of links and pictures and whatnot if I'm the only one looking and clicking?

2. Monday night TV used to suck. Not anymore! I love Samantha Who at 8:30, and then at 9 I can take my choice between High School Confidential (the show about my high school) on WE or The Hills and The Paper on MTV. I pick one to watch and tape the other. Mondays are usually kinda rough so it's nice to hang out and relax and watch some TV. Especially on a night like tonight when I only slept a few hours last night and barely have enough energy to type this out. I also kind of realized that the Writer's Strike was a good thing for me--I'm not sure I would have gotten all my job apps out and done all the lesson planning I needed to do if there were new shows on every night! Nevertheless, I am pumped for Thursday night!

Okay, enough revelations. Gotta get ready to sit and veg. Maybe later I'll write about it and nobody will read it.

Sounds about right!


Elisabeth said...

I write in my blog even when no one reads it. I can't help it. I like to be a smart alec :D

Jill said...

you have at least 2 readers! I felt that way for a long time. eventually, the word spread and i have probably 20 readers, which isn't much, and they dont comment very often, but at least they are out there and reading. maybe you need to spread your wings a little. take some pictures and post them, comment on a few people's blogs, hold a contest, it doesnt even have to have a prize, sometimes a contest is just a contest. tell us some more about yourself... or how about joining fun monday? you're guaranteed 20-30 readers once a week and sometimes they stick around to read for other days or permanently!

Anonymous said...

the information on this site is really helpful for every one, i appreciate it


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