
Backstreet's Back! Alright!

I'm sitting here watching Ellen, minding my own business, when all of a sudden who should pop up on my screen and start harmonizing away but the Backstreet Boys!

Naturally, I figured it was a really, really old repeat. But then I remembered that Ellen was talking about very current things only moments before. Could it be true? Could the Backstreet Boys, in fact, be back?

Turns out the answer is yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh (think AJ screaming that)

Kevin may be missing but they are the same old (old being the operative word, I suppose) Backstreet Boys.

I looked them up on YouTube and found this new video:
Inconsolable YouTube video

Following in what seems to be a theme of nostalgia this week, I watched the video and reflected on the days of Backstreet Boys calendars, paying huge $$$ for nosebleed seats at their Millennium concert and, one crazy night, dressing up with Kelly and her friends as the Backstreet Boys and making a completely embarrassing video.

I may or may not have drawn an oddly-shaped mustache and goatee on my face with eyeliner that night.

I also may or may not have been in the second row to see Nick Carter during his solo endeavor at the Beaumont Club freshman year before Christmas.


Tell anyone and I'll deny it. My favorite was always Brian, anyway.

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