
Throw the Turkey From the Train

I came across this article on Slate a minute ago and it made me both laugh out loud and throw up a little bit in my mouth:

Let Leftovers Be Leftovers
That Turkey samosa won't bring your Thanksgiving dinner back to life.
By Jill Hunter Pellettieri

I may have to disagree with Jill when she says: "I'm not saying to abandon leftovers entirely. On the contrary: Embrace them. Just don't turn them into some bastardized concoction. Enjoy them for what they are." Though the mere thought of a bastardized turkey makes me chuckle, I am fully against leftovers in all their painful glory.

I have never been a big Thanksgiving food fan (my grandma once told me I am un-American for it) so why do I have to relive the turkey, stuffing, potatoes, yams (shudder) and everything else each day FOLLOWING Thanksgiving?

One day, I can do.

But please, if I see a turkey quesadilla suiza heading toward my table, I'm heading straight for the hills.

Or maybe Jimmy John's, whatever is closer.

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