
Catch-Up: Lost

What's the best thing to do when you don't feel too great and end up just laying around in bed all morning? Catch up on TV you missed during the week, of course!

For me, that meant Lost. I actually missed two weeks in a row (I keep forgetting it's on since it's on Thursdays now--my brain refuses to register that fact) so I had two new episodes to watch. I also started off my marathon with the recap episode that ABC played before the Season 4 premiere. That was basically 45 minutes of my life I'll never get back, but at least it got me in the Lost mood.
Then... the premiere! There had been a lot of hype about this premiere and, well, yeah it was pretty good but I thought the second episode was SO MUCH better. Amazing even. We were actually asking questions and getting answers. In the same episode! Wait--what? I know! So un-Lost-like but I loved it. Instant. Gratification. And it's not like they answered every question you had, there's still reason to keep watching, but it doesn't seem to be as frustrating as it once was. The only way I got through it before was watching it on DVD and being able to watch the episodes one right after another. This waiting a whole week between episodes kinda kills the suspense.

Anyway... other thoughts: Is it me or did they spend 75% of those first two episodes running through the jungle? I don't remember so much running or jungle in the past--it must be a Season 4 thing. And these new people? Not sure about them. Ben is still creepy as ever, John Locke makes no sense, and even though he's dead, Charlie still managed to make an appearance or two. Oh! I almost forgot the best part-- "Flash-forwards" to when the survivors are off the island? A-may-zing! I guess they bring up more questions rather than answering questions like the flashbacks did sometimes, but I love 'em.

My opinion: so far, so good, Lost. Keep it up and pllllllease don't make these new visitors to the island as boring as The Others turned out to be. Good thing Ben graduated from Drake or I might not have made it through that disaster of a plot line.

Is it Thursday yet?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just caught up on your blog - it always makes me smile :) i don't watch Lost, but I do want to see The Assassination of Jesse James etc. Miss you!