

Today the school district I am student teaching in canceled classes due to snow, but Drake didn't, so I got to sit around by myself all day. Naturally, I decided to catch up on my Netflix!

First I watched Feast of Love. I was really looking forward to seeing this indie flick but it was kind of a let down. And there were WAY too many boob shots for really no reason at all. It wasn't horrible but I wasn't sad when it was over.

Then I watched Jane Austen Book Club and hello! Total 360 from the first movie. I loved every minute of it, especially since I also love Jane Austen's work. The cast is fantastic (except why does poor Amy Brenneman always have to play a woman who is a total mess thanks to a man?!) and yeah maybe it's a chick flick, but, as the movie proves, men can totally enjoy it too.

Last I started watching The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Long title, and long movie! Haven't finished it yet but so far, so good. Brad Pitt is dirty yet good looking as Jesse James and I'm thinking Casey Affleck totally deserves the Oscar nod he received for playing the creepy Robert Ford. More to come when I finish it.

Yay for snow days and lots of movie watching fun!

1 comment:

Jill said...

i hate unnecessary boob shots. i have my own, i dont need to see theirs, thank you!