
Quickie Review: Vantage Point

I took a look at the reviews before I went to see this movie on Saturday. The reviewers said it was hard to follow and unrealistic. You know those two things might be true, but it was still a pretty darn good movie.

What I didn't like was the Groundhog Day meets psychological action thriller premise--I definitely could have done without the replaying of the scene 4 gajillion times, or the lady wreaking of booze next to me yelling "is somebody rewinding the movie? However, once you got past that (and, of course, the amazing coincidences throughout) it was a really fast-paced, entertaining movie that I would totally recommend!

I guess sometimes it's good to take a chance on a movie that the critics hate. Apparently a lot of people did--it was #1 at the box office this weekend! ****

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